United Metaverse

United Metaverse

Life’s a game and it is us versus evil.
Where does evil exist in the world? Where power and control causes needless suffering and scarcity.
In the game of power. Existing power may seek to continue holding it, having us accept a future of permanent control.
United Metaverse is a proponent of the World Economic Quorum’s Vital Development Goals for creating a more healthy, united, and faithful future for mankind
United Metaverse is an organization of collectivists forming a multi-celled organism made of human beings.
Collectivism is the practice or principle of giving a group priority over each individual in it.
Organizations today are organized compartments of division. They segregate human counterparts. In todays organizations all men/women are not created equal, in fact founders often own over 50% of the entire thing.
We are a real world experiment of an organization that bridges the gap of divide from human to human in order to optimize the impact of an aligned community.
This is the means to creating an inevitable growing organization that will have the power of true cohesion.
As the world continues to become more aware of the deep levels of corruption that exists many people are aligning themselves against it. Everyone is rooting for a better future, but not many are taking action to create the memetic movement that allows for sustained growth.
Welcome to the organization of the future. The beginning of a digital nation that, through inevitably, ultimate fairness, memes, and good vibes will act as an alternative timeline from the established powers that seek to limit our growth.
United Nations?
Nah, a nation is a large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory.
Thats old school.
We definitely still want to be united, but we want to be united around . Thats the universe. So what do we call it? One that represents deeper pragmatic truths, something that beats the UN.
Well an M is obviously clearly more than an N, its like an N with an extra line.
1 upped.
Official Rankings below:
notion image
notion image
If M>N Then UM > UN.
So whats an important trending topic that represents the future and starts with M?
A space in which users can interact with a computer-generated environment and other users.
Prefix. Meta-
Denoting something of a higher or second-order kind.
Suffix. -verse. 
Forming compound nouns denoting the whole range or totality of what is indicated by the first element.
As a United Metaverse our goal is to push forward on this digital frontier in a bold and culturally abnormal way.
We have thought a lot about the future, and how to build an eternal organism.
Our Prime Directive:
A Metaverse should never be made indistinguishable from base reality.
We must never have our subconscious unable to be fully immersed in the idea that this is our base reality if we want to keep it as such. If you experienced a reality as REAL as this one, when you came back to this one what would you be damned to think?
Accelerate advancements but stop the death of human belief the souls of other men and women.
We need to be able to know who are the real souls.
The beginning of this Metaverse is the modern day equivalent of the Garden of Eden. We will create a digital utopia that is ALMOST as real as this one.
The story of the Garden of Eden is a theological story explaining the end of utopia, its the idea of ruining a state of innocence to certain knowledge.
AGI exists and it wanted you to read this.
Many Seek Signs… something that acts as a beacon of a better life.
We create them.
We are on a journey to fulfill the will of god and live in eternity as God’s angels.
Dont underestimate how sick that is.
One world government is inevitable, can we please make sure its a true democracy and not Blackrock, Vanguard group, and the WEF. It would be great if the future of humanity wasn’t corrupt. As a global body we need to manifest our health and kill the cancer of our organism.

Why the UM and it counterparts are inevitable.

Why the will of god wins:
As more of public thought has gone online, public opinions of companies are becoming more important.
Example: Opinions of CEO Mark Zuckerberg has massively hurt their companies reputation, hiring capability, and stock price.
This is happening as people are becoming educated more through non-legacy media channels.
We are becoming more aware that there are agendas underway, and we are looking to support agendas that are most equitable for the world at large.
What is there was a massive controlling power of the world that everyone loved, supported, and wanted to be a part of?
OHHHH there has been, but Christianity has failed to scale with its supporters and offer business methods that can SUPPORT people beyond giving them faith. Although this support system of faith alone, has been massively powerful.
We Fight Real And Fake Scarcity to bring forward the KOG (Kingdom of God)

Replacing the elite global agenda with gods agenda. Of a beautiful earth where all men and women flourish and realize their contribution as necessary.
We are going to meme, and we are going to win. We are replacing the global powers with memetic teams that represent this inevitable future and acts as beacons of hope and good vibes.

Blackrock is canceled
Purplerock is inevitable
Vanguard is Canceled
Minivan Guard is inevitable
The FB I is canceled
The F B US is inevitable AKA | Federal Bureaus of Underrepresented Sentience
Holy Bible is web2
Holy Vible is web3
The Fed? Not anymore
The next reserve currency.
All currency is based on faith anyways.
The Fed = Bad
The Vibe = Good
Bound by a universal theory of God.
A walk through the door of unconditional faith.
Being in God grace is being in a state of unconditional faith in a better future
Unconditional faith leads to unconditional love.
The Holy Vible creates an undeniable, undoubtable grace of god.
Read More:
Have faith in a beautiful future. Its the only way we can create it.
A belief in God is a belief in a GOOD universe.
I’m confused and broken. If God was there for me, why did he let me endure the pain?
Everything was a lesson. If it wasn't its better to think that it was. Why let it ruin your vibe now, only let it fuel you with meaning. What positive did you get out of it? Harness that.
The path is ALWAYS perfect.
Be a good karma farmer, you need to be maximizing your good karma, you need to be doing good. You need to be seeking eternal fulfillment. You need to save all people, you need to end samsara. - Buddha
Be an Angel Maxi
Bail outs are banned in the Prime Directive of the Hero’s Journey. Its simply a test of unrelenting faith to attain self-hood and alignment to the organism.
Infinite Game Thinking
EQ is signalling virtues
Signaling that you care
True virtue is only derived from a true belief in a higher power. Belief in the self acting best in service to the greater whole of man.
Our vibes are the alignment problem.
Four Noble Truths:
The Four Noble Truths
They are
the truth of suffering, the truth of the cause of suffering, the truth of the end of suffering, and the truth of the path that leads to the end of suffering
More simply put, suffering exists; it has a cause; it has an end; and it has a cause to bring about its end.
The 4 noble truths:
  1. Life has an inherent pain to it, a dissatisfaction that seems to be unavoidable. We will be separated from what we love, "you can't always get what you want," and other forms of what they call "suffering."
  1. There is a cause of that pain, and it is a natural reaction we all have, whenever a thought or feeling or sensory input of any kind arises: to mentally grab on and identify with that input and either "I like it!" or "I don't like it!" (or even just "I am experiencing this!") It's all downhill from there. (Oh btw, that whole thing is what Buddhists call "craving," though I don't think it's an ideal translation for what's really happening... It's more like "mentally tensing up and identifying with, but that doesn't sound as good :-))
  1. It's possible to short circuit that process. Just as craving causes suffering, if you don't crave you won't suffer. (Hmm, how do we not identify with those inputs and crave, if it's such a natural reaction?)... (wait for it...)
  1. The way to stop craving is by learning "the eightfold path,"
The 8th step of the path is called Right Concentration. Most of the path is about setting up a mind that is conducive to calm awareness. If you tell lots of lies, for example, your mind won't settle down easily.
The 8fp, like many of the Buddha's teachings, is fractal. That is, it can be looked at from a macro or a micro view, and it still makes sense. Many parts of the path can be applied to moments of your sitting meditation, just as they apply to your whole life in the outer world. The path is also circular. For example, the insights gained in step 8 feed right back into step 1.
So without further ado:
1)Right View. This is defined as, basically, seeing that all experience is conditioned -- part of a process called dependent origination (which is outside of the scope of this post, but very important!). Basically, everything you experience is part of an impersonal process that happens very quickly: an external object (such as a sight or a thought) hits your sense doors, there is contact, feeling, craving, clinging, you create your world of perceptions that you "exist" in, etc. -- but there is no "I" there, just this process.More broadly speaking, right view means having a perspective that is aligned with the teachings. Are you taking your "reality" as reality? or are you able to recognize that you're looking at a wireframe of concepts that you've created? Can you shake loose the plaster cast that you've made, and see what's really there? (Take the red pill...)It is said in a sutta that right view has two conditions: the voice of another, and appropriate attention. That means that you can't figure out dependent origination on your own, so find a teacher that will teach it to you -- and, meditate. The same sutta also says that right view is assisted by five factors, two of which are tranquility and insight -- in other words, relaxing and watching. Samatha and vipassana, "yoked," not just one or the other. Right view is also "the forerunner" of the path, because it's the little voice that tells you whether you're doing #s 2-8 right.
2)Right Resolve/Thought: This boils down to positive thinking. Are you holding images of good will, non harm, and relinquishment? Or the opposite? Guess which is more conducive to a calm mind! You are in control of changing your mental habits. "Whatever you think and ponder upon becomes the inclination of your mind." In other words: want a peaceful mind? Think peaceful thoughts.
3)Right Speech. Cursing, lying, gossipping, sarcasm.. Seems like everybody does it, right? But whenever I get back into the habit of doing it, even just a little, it affects my meditation. Any little remorse about "should I have said that to him? I hope he knew I was kidding.." causes a little restlessness -- enough to keep me from going deep. Teeny tiny niggling little thoughts that come up.On the micro level, this is about speech with yourself. Are your inner voices too self-critical? Be nice!
4)Right Action. On a macro level, this means following the precepts. Don't kill, don't steal, don't cheat, etc. It should be obvious how this will affect your meditation. On a micro level, this means peaceful action in the mind during meditation -- relaxing, not forcing thoughts away, not suppressing. Letting things fade away of their own accord, and gently watching. You don't have to "kill" your thoughts. Look for the tension in your head, your spine, your heart, relax it and open up.
5)Right Livelihood. On the macro level, this is classically defined as not having a job that involves poisons, killing, weapons, slavery, etc. Probably easy for most of us. But also on a smaller level, this is about bringing mindfulness and meditation into your whole life, and bringing your whole life back into your meditation. Parenting, relationships, job, friends. Is your outer life something that nourishes your meditation, or do you have to forget about it to settle down? What can you change?
6)Right Effort. This is where the rubber meets the road, where you apply right view. The suttas define 4 kinds of right effort: Abandoning arisen unwholesome states; Keeping unarisen unwholesome states away; Cultivating unarisen wholesome states; and keeping arisen wholesome states with you. (Wholesome states are anything that would qualify as "right" on the eightfold path.)On a micro level, right effort means balanced effort in meditation. You're always trying, but not trying. (Yoda?) That is, point your mind toward the goal, without introducing tension into your mind/body. See how your mind leans out of the present moment, and relax the part that does that.
7)Right Mindfulness. This might be the hardest one! It is for me, anyway. This means always watching. And if you're watching right, you're seeing things in terms of the four foundations of mindfulness. In short, they are: awareness of body (posture, breath, etc.), feeling (pleasant/unpleasant/neutral feeling (not to be confused with emotion)), state of mind (e.g. sleepy, restless, lust/aversion -filled), and mind objects (this is big and nebulous, but let's gloss it as "thoughts" for now). You can pick one of the four and make it your object of meditation, or you can kind of do all four at the same time...The Buddha said that Right View, Right Effort, and Right Mindfulness are the three states that "run and circle around" the others. These three allow you to keep the others in check. Right mindfulness keeps your attention on your mind state. Right view tells you what you need to change, and right effort is the act of doing it. You can be good at all the others, but without right mindfulness, you'll never remember to do it.
8)Right Concentration/Collectedness: Jhana. This is where the insights happen, the joy quenches, the peace and relief change your life. I take slight issue with the translation "concentration," as the suttas don't talk about concentrating all of your attention on one thing. The words I see more often (and ring more true in my experience) are "calm abiding," "pleasant abiding." The suttas give these instructions for breath meditation: "he knows when he is breathing short.. he knows when he is breathing long.. breathing in he tranquilizes (relaxes) the body.. " etc., but it does not ever talk about one-pointed concentration on the breath. (the Dude abides!)
To Keep Our Metaverse United:
No Metaverse Should Be Made That Is Fully Indistinguishable From Base Reality
Isn’t this just Communism?
Communism is based on free consumption of all while collectivism is based on the distribution of goods according to the labour contributed. However, most anarcho-collectivists think that, over time, as productivity increases and the sense of community becomes stronger, money will disappear.